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Timeline - a DHTML-based AJAXy widget

Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for visualizing time-based events. It is like Google Maps for time-based information.
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New Web Application Could Revolutionize Blogging

Terapad.com's new blogging platform boasts integration with online shopping, discussion forums, image gallery, job search, and even 100% CSS control.
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Exploring the Merits of using HTML Tables and CSS

The merits of CSS and XHTML are lauded as the way to go, but a large community of developers still rely upon proven layout with HTML tables.
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Just how buggy is Firefox?

Security researchers handling code analysis on Firefox have discovered scores of potential defects and security vulnerabilities.
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Create curved corners on the fly

curvyCorners is a free JavaScript program that will create on-the-fly rounded corners for any HTML DIV element.
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Ajax not a fad?

Andy Lyttle and others explain why they feel that Ajax does not deserve the "it's just a fad" term it is receiving.
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Develop A Web Style

David A Utter gives us a short rundown on some useful CSS styling sites.
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Microsoft Expression Web (Beta)

Microsoft have announced the release of Microsoft Expression Web, a standards based web editor.
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CSS Reboot - Fall 2006 edition

The CSS reboot Autumn (Fall) edition will be beginning within the next few days. Goto the website to find out more.
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Ten Useful CSS Tricks

Trenton Moss gives us ten CSS tricks that cut down on code and increase CSS efficiency.

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